This is a guest blog written by my Stage 3 Co-ordinator and year partner Richelle Hatton. This post first appeared on the Stage 3 Learning Journey on 10 August 2016. It is a wonderful reflection on the experience Richelle and I had with our class. I would strongly encourage any reader to explore the possibilities and see if there is a place for Self Organised Learning Environments within your own context. Educational researcher Sugata Mitra claims to have discovered accidentally that students can teach themselves. He put a computer in a hole in the wall in a slum district in India and walked away. Eight hours later he returned to find local children browsing the internet and teaching each other how to use the computer having never seen one before! You can watch his TED talk and hear about it straight from him. Totally fascinating. The concept of SOLE - self organised learning environment - came from Mitra's research. He suggests that "if you allow the educati...
Showcasing my own personal journey of learning, pedagogy, reflection and discovery. Inspiring the integration of technology within the curriculum.