It is just a little under two weeks since the Google Certified Innovators Sydney 2017 cohort graduated. In this time I have had pockets of time to reflect and gather my thoughts about the program and how it has affected my project. When I set out I had the plan to create a personalised learning pathway that would engage students in meaningful learning. Though the desired goal has not changed the academy, coaches and peer's have challenged me to think of ways to bring this to pass and obstacles to look out for. They have encouraged the mindset of "thinking big but starting small" by being critical friends. Colleagues and team mates I can constantly come back to and think tank with. This shared experience has broadened my perspective and connection to a world of educators who are making a real difference in the lives of their learning communities. During the academy, we had the time and space to l...
Showcasing my own personal journey of learning, pedagogy, reflection and discovery. Inspiring the integration of technology within the curriculum.