Have you ever had one of those experiences that you walk away from knowing it was breathtaking, knowing that the meal you just ate, the view you just saw, the activity you just did, the interaction you just had or the music you just heard was something else? Just thinking about this, my mind takes me back to the moment and I can feel as if I was there again. I can feel just from the thought of that meal the saliva in my mouth watering! Each day we have moments like this, they may not be to the extent of my list but they are glimpses of this encounter. I find often though in my own life I am too busy to stop and be present in that moment and as a result I skim over what could have been. Something that I have noticed is all around us there is beauty, moments of inspiration just waiting to be experienced if I am willing to pause and look. In photography there is a term called "the Golden Hour", this is the hour right before sunset or the hour after sunrise. The sun is low...
Showcasing my own personal journey of learning, pedagogy, reflection and discovery. Inspiring the integration of technology within the curriculum.